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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO Area 2C



The purpose of these Guidelines is to regulate the affairs of this Area. These Guidelines are subject to the National By-laws of the American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO), the Articles of Incorporation of AYSO, the AYSO National and Section Rules and Regulations, and the Policies adopted from time to time by the AYSO National Board of Directors (collectively, the “National Regulations”), copies of which (except for the Articles of Incorporation) will be made available by the Area on request and are hereby incorporated by reference. To the extent that these Guidelines conflict with or are in contradiction to any of them, the “National Regulations” shall prevail over these Guidelines.



The mission of this Area is to operate a soccer program where young people can learn to develop a positive self-image, self-confidence, and other positive character traits through their interest and participation in soccer based on our philosophy of:

Everyone Plays – Our goal is for kids to play soccer – so we mandate that every player on every team must play at least half of every game.

Balanced Teams – At the start of each primary season, we form teams as evenly balanced as possible – because it is more fun and kids learn more when teams of equal ability play.

Positive Coaching – Winning kids are built up, not torn down! We train and encourage our coaches to make the extra effort to understand and offer positive help to our players.

Open Registration – Our program is open to all children between 4 and one-half and 18 years of age who want to play soccer in our program. Registration, interest and enthusiasm are the only criteria for playing.

Good Sportsmanship – We desire to create a positive environment based on mutual respect, rather than a win-at-all-costs attitude, and our program is designed to instill good sportsmanship in every facet of AYSO.



The duties and responsibilities of this Area shall be:

A. Coordinate training & play for inter-regional programs and tournament play.

B. Develops annual Area goals and objectives.

C. Assist in the creation and development of new Regions and the consolidation or elimination of existing Regions as needed.

D. Conducts an on-going assessment of the requirements of regional and area programs, and as appropriate, assesses area requirements pertaining to the number and size of regions within the area.

E. Coordinate the training of coaches and referees within the Area to maximize the use of available resources and insure that all coaches and referees have received appropriate training consistent with established AYSO programs.

F. Develop a planning calendar and calendar of events of Area activities to be disseminated to Region, Area and Section volunteers as appropriate.

G. Create Area budgets based upon Section, Area & Regional goals.

H. Coordinate inter-regional play including tournaments.

I. Adjudicate disputes as required.



There shall be three classes of membership in the Area:

Participating Members – Participating Members shall consist of all those persons serving the Area in a coaching, refereeing or administrative capacity, including those members (“Board Members”) of the Area Board of Directors (“Area Board”), provided that such persons are registered with the AYSO National Office on the appropriate forms prescribed from time to time by AYSO.

Playing Members – Playing members shall consist of all registered soccer players.

Contributing Members – Contributing Members shall consist of those persons who have contributed something of value to the Area and for which the Area wishes to express its gratitude; they shall be granted membership at the discretion of the Area Board.


  1. The Area Board shall conduct the business and affairs of the Area.
  2. Unless otherwise specifically provided by these Guidelines, all decisions of the Area Board shall be made by a majority decision of the board members voting on any such matter; provided, however, that the Area Director may veto any such decision if the effect of such decision would be to violate any of the National Regulations. Such veto may be reviewed by the Section Director on request by a 2/3 vote of the board members voting on such matter. All members of the Area Board will be allowed one vote.
  3. Meetings shall be set at the discretion of the Area Director as often as needed to ensure proper operation of the Area.
  4. Whenever there is a vacancy in the position of the Area Director, the Area Board, including the outgoing Area Director, shall recommend a successor and submit such recommendation to the Section Director who shall make such appointment. It is recommended that the term of the Area Director be limited to no more than three years.
  5. No Board Member or any other participant in this Area shall receive monetary or other compensation for his/her services to the Area, nor may he/she use his/her position to benefit him/her directly or indirectly in any other way, such as a supplier of equipment or camp programs to this Area.
  6. Any vacancy on the Area Board shall normally be filled by appointment of the Area Director for all positions other than Regional Commissioner. Replacement of a Regional Commissioner will be made by recommendations from the Region, with approval by the Area Director and by other Board Members
  7. The Area Director and RC’s may be removed only by the National Board. Any Board Member, other than the RC’s, may be removed by a vote of 2/3 of the Board Members whenever it is determined to be in the best interests of the Area or AYSO.



The Area Board shall consist of the: Area Director, Assistant Area Director, Area Secretary, Area Coach Administrator, Area Coach Trainer, Area Referee Administrator, Area Director of Referee Assessment, Area Director of Referee Instruction, Area Treasurer, Regional Commissioners, and such other positions as the Area Board shall from time to time deem desirable. A designated representative, appointed by the Regional Commissioner, may be sent to meetings in place of the Regional Commissioner.

A. Area Director – AYSO volunteer position of Area Director is intended to organize and coordinate the various regions in the Area. Each Area Director shall be nominated by the Regional Commissioners within the Area. Subject to the approval of the appropriate Section Director, Area Directors shall be appointed by the National Board of Directors for a term of three years.

1. Specific Duties and Responsibilities: The Area Director is expected to:

a. Be responsible for the performance and growth of his/her Area, and all inter-regional and extra-regional activities within his/her Area;

b. Maintain good community relations with the primary objective being youth development;

c. Organize and maintain volunteer staff to assure adequate support and services to the regions in their Areas;

d. Be the official spokesman for the Area in regard to publicity, outside development, cultural exchange, internal development, business systems, budgets, bylaws, board policies, rules and regulations;

e. Be responsible for such other matters that directly related to the operation of the Area;

f. Attend the annual Section meeting and the National Annual General Meeting (NAGM);

g. Submit completed Area Performance Program to Section Director;

h. Attend regional board meetings within the Area once a year;

i. Hold and preside over regular Area meetings;

j. Oversee any inter-regional play within the Area, including any playoffs; and

k. Oversee dispute resolution within the Area.

2. Qualifications and Desired Skills: To be considered for the position of Area Director, the applicant should:

a. Have extensive experience in AYSO, preferably as a Regional Commissioner;

b. Be organized; and

c. Have good communication skills.

3. Supervision Protocols: While performing as the Area Director, the volunteer is:

a. Subject to the bylaws, rules, regulations, policies, procedures, and guidelines of AYSO;

b. Under the overall authority of and directly supervised by the Area Director; and

c. To maintain the recommended supervision ratio of 1:8 or less; that is one adult for every eight or fewer children and two adults (one of who may be the coach and one of whom should be of the same gender as the group) present at all times. For the protection of both the children and the volunteer, no volunteer should permit himself or herself to be alone with any child or group of children (except his or her own) during AYSO-sponsored activities.

4. Time Commitment: The anticipated time commitment for an Area Director is three years.

5. Orientation, Training, Certification, and Continued Education Provided: To prepare a volunteer for the position of Area Director, AYSO will offer the following educational opportunities. It is the duty of the volunteer to attend these sessions.

a. Orientation by the Section Director;

b. Quick start by AYSO coordinator of program management;

c. Area Director Training at the National Support & Training Center within one year of appointment;

d. Area Staff Training at the Annual Section Meeting;

e. Applied Regional Management (ARM1);

f. Advanced Regional Management (ARM2)

g. AD caucus at the Annual Section Meeting; and

h. AYSO Safe Haven Program.

6. Activity Locations: While performing the duties of Area Director, the volunteer is limited to the following locations, unless expressly authorized in writing by the Section Director to hold activities in another location.

a. All Area sponsored activities;

b. Regional activities within the Area that fall within the scope of the Area Director-s responsibilities;

c. Inter-regional activities within the Area;

d. Dispute resolution within the Area;

e. Area meetings;

f. Section staff meetings;

g. The annual section meeting;

h. National Annual General Meeting (NAGM); and

i. Independent work at home alone, in committees of adults, or in a properly supervised situation with children.

B. Assistant Area Director – Appointed by the Area Director with approval from the Area Board. The Assistant Area Director shall assist the Area Director in fulfilling his/her duties and, in his/her absence, shall perform the duties of the Area Director.

C. Area Secretary – Appointed by the Area Director with approval from the Area Board. AYSO volunteer position of Area Secretary is intended to help with Area/Section matters as needed.

1. Specific Duties and Responsibilities: The Area Secretary is expected to:

a. Organize and schedule Area and/or Section meetings, clinics schedules, tournament rules, spring soccer coordination, etc.;

b. Record minutes of the area and/or Section meetings and transcribe them for distribution to Area staff; and

c. Attend Area Meetings (about 8 per year) to record minutes; and as required, at Section meetings.

2. Qualifications and Desired Skills: To be considered for the position of Area Secretary, the applicant should:

a. Have good computer/typing skills;

b. Be able to take notes at meetings; and

c. Have some knowledge of AYSO.

3. Supervision Protocols: While performing as the Area Secretary, the volunteer is:

a. Subject to the bylaws, rules, regulations, policies, procedures, and guidelines of AYSO;

b. Under the overall authority of and directly supervised by the Area Director; and

c. To maintain the recommended supervision ratio of 1:8 or less; that is one adult for every eight or fewer children and two adults (one of who may be the coach and one of whom should be of the same gender as the group) present at all times. For the protection of both the children and the volunteer, no volunteer should permit himself or herself to be alone with any child or group of children (except his or her own) during AYSO-sponsored activities.

4. Time Commitment: The anticipated time commitment for an Area Secretary is a full year.

5. Orientation, Training, Certification, and Continued Education Provided: To prepare a volunteer for the position of Area Secretary, AYSO will offer the following educational opportunities. It is the duty of the volunteer to attend these sessions.

a. Orientation by the Area/Section Coordinator;

b. AYSO Area staff training;

c. AYSO Safe Haven Program; and

d. Secretary workshop at the Annual Section Meeting.

6. Activity Locations: While performing the duties of Area Secretary, the volunteer is limited to the following locations, unless expressly authorized in writing by the Area Director to hold activities in another location.

a. Area meetings;

b. The annual Section Meeting;

c. Assigned classroom locations;

d. Area sponsored activities; and

e. Independent work at home alone, in committees of adults, or in a properly supervised situation with children.

D. Area Coach Administrator – Appointed by the Area Director with approval from the Area Board. AYSO volunteer position of Area Coach Administrator is intended to support the Area coaching staff.

1. Specific Duties and Responsibilities: The Area Coach Administrator is expected to:

a. Organize and train Regional Coach Administrators;

b. Oversee clinics, tournaments, and coaching practices throughout the season;

c. Help Regional Commissioners recruit Regional Coach Administrators;

d. Organize coach training clinics for the coaches in the Area; and

e. Settle coaching disputes in the regions within the Area.

2. Qualifications and Desired Skills: To be considered for the position of Area Coach Administrator, the applicant should:

a. Have coached U14 through U19 players at least 2 to 3 years (or have been a Regional Coach Administrator); and

b. Have a good background in soccer.

3. Supervision Protocols: While performing as the Area Coach Administrator, the volunteer is:

a. Subject to the bylaws, rules, regulations, policies, procedures, and guidelines of AYSO;

b. Under the overall authority of and directly supervised by the Area Director; and

c. To maintain the recommended supervision ratio of 1:8 or less; that is one adult for every eight or fewer children and two adults (one of who may be the coach and one of whom should be of the same gender as the group) present at all times. For the protection of both the children and the volunteer, no volunteer should permit himself or herself to be alone with any child or group of children (except his or her own) during AYSO-sponsored activities.

4. Time Commitment: The anticipated time commitment for an Area Coach Administrator is a full year.

5. Orientation, Training, Certification, and Continued Education Provided: To prepare a volunteer for the position of Area Coach Administrator, AYSO will offer the following educational opportunities. It is the duty of the volunteer to attend these sessions.

a. Orientation by the Section Coach Administrator;

b. Area staff training offered at section meetings;

c. AYSO Coach Certification Level 1 Course;

d. Applied Regional Management (ARM1);

e. Coach workshops at the annual section meeting; and

f. AYSO Safe Haven Program;

6. Activity Locations: While performing the duties of Area Coach Administrator, the volunteer is limited to the following locations, unless expressly authorized in writing by the Section Coach Administrator to hold activities in another location.

a. The annual section meetings;

b. Assigned field locations;

c. Assigned classroom locations;

d. Independent work at home alone, in committees of adults, or in a properly supervised situation with children.

E. Area Coach Trainer – Appointed by the Area Coach Administrator with approval from the Area Director. AYSO volunteer position of Area Coach Trainer is intended to monitor, and maintain the AYSO coach Training Program, and conduct all training required at the Area level.

1. Specific Duties and Responsibilities: The Area Coach Trainer is expected to:

a. Yearly obtain from National Support and Training Center the most current course guides, lesson plans, and coaching manuals that are required to support the AYSO coaching program for the current year;

b. Conduct orientations, clinics and all required coaching courses;

c. Obtain AYSO trained and certified instructors to teach;

d. Work with the Section Coach Trainer to meet the ongoing training needs of the coaches and assistant coaches in the Area; and

e. Remain current with the latest training and coaching methods.

2. Qualifications and Desired Skills: To be considered for the position of Area Coach Trainer, the applicant should:

a. Have completed the intermediate coaching course;

b. Be, at least, a grade 4 coach instructor;

c. Be organized; and

d. Be a good communicator.

3. Supervision Protocols: While performing as the Area Coach Trainer, the volunteer is:

a. Subject to the bylaws, rules, regulations, policies, procedures, and guidelines of AYSO;

b. Under the overall authority of and directly supervised by the Area Coach Administrator; and

c. To maintain the recommended supervision ratio of 1:8 or less; that is one adult for every eight or fewer children and two adults (one of who may be the coach and one of whom should be of the same gender as the group) present at all times. For the protection of both the children and the volunteer, no volunteer should permit himself or herself to be alone with any child or group of children (except his or her own) during AYSO-sponsored activities.

4. Time Commitment: The anticipated time commitment for an Area Coach Trainer is a full year.

5. Orientation, Training, Certification, and Continued Education Provided: To prepare a volunteer for the position of Area Coach Trainer, AYSO will offer the following educational opportunities. It is the duty of the volunteer to attend these sessions.

a. Orientation by the Area Coach Administrator;

b. Area staff training at the annual section meeting;

c. AYSO Coach Certification Level 1 Course;

d. AYSO Safe Haven Program;

e. AYSO Unified Instructor Program;

f. Intermediate Coaching Course;

g. Regional Teacher Course;

h. Grade 4 Instructor Course; and

i. Annual coach update.

6. Activity Locations: While performing the duties of Area Coach Trainer, the volunteer is limited to the following locations, unless expressly authorized in writing by the Section Coach Trainer to hold activities in another location.

a. National board meetings;

b. The annual section meetings;

c. Assigned field locations;

e. Assigned classroom locations;

f. Independent work at home alone, in committees of adults, or in a properly supervised situation with children.

F. Area Referee Administrator – Appointed by the Area Director with approval from the Area Board. AYSO volunteer position of Area Referee Administrator is intended to implement, monitor and maintain the AYSO National Referee Program at the Area level including program delivery, staff development, communication, and cooperation. The Area Referee Administrator is expected to:

1. Specific Duties and Responsibilities: Area Referee Administrator is expected to:

a. Appoint an Area Director of Referee Instruction and an Area Director of Referee Assessment annually and coordinate their activities with the Area;

b. Give orientations to Regional Referee Administrators within the Area;

c. Identify and train a successor;

d. Prepare an annual Area Referee Work Plan that includes goals and objectives for the upcoming year;

e. Prepare an annual Area referee budget for submittal to the Area Director (with a copy to the Section Referee Administrator);

f. Maintain a current list of all referees within the Area, including their current certification level. (Copies of this list are to be submitted, at least once a year, to the Section Referee Administrator);

g. Insure that important information relating to law and rule interpretations, law and rule changes, clinics and courses, and national, sectional, and area programs and special events are disseminated to the Regional Referee Administrators within the Area;

h. Conduct at least four meetings annually with the Regional Referee Administrators within the Area. These meetings shall be mainly for the purpose of ensuring the Regional Referee Administrators- familiarity with existing programs and resources, informing them of new and revised programs, and assisting them to plan and implement the AYSO National Referee Program within their region. One of these meetings shall be at an appropriate time and place before the annual section meeting, possibly at the section meeting planning session, and one at the section meeting. The remaining two may be conducted, by telephone, when performing the twice yearly Contact and Reporting Program interviews;

i. Promote referee welfare within the Area;

j. Monitor referee activities within the Area and Regions;

k. Coordinate the assignment of referees at Area playoffs and special events and be responsible for:

i. Rules and regulations;

ii. Referee assignments for semi-final and championship games;

iii. Disciplinary function coordination

l. Maintain a current roster of Regional Referee Administrators within the Area. (Copies of this roster are to be submitted, at least once a year, to the Section Referee Administrator.);

m. Represent the Area at all Section events and attend the Annual Section Meeting;

n. Provide assistance to the regions in interpretation of the FIFA Law and national, sectional and area rules and regulations;

o. Advise Area Director and staff on matters pertaining to refereeing;

p. Report to the Section Referee Administrator and the AYSO National Referee Administrator; and

q. Be responsible for the effective implementation of the Contact and Reporting Program within the Area, and transmitting the appropriate Area summary form to the national Support and Training Center;

r. Observation and Assessment:

i. Personally responsible for Area badge candidates;

ii. Personally responsible for pre-qualifying Section badge and National badge candidates before recommendation to Section;

s. To assist Section Referee Administrator at Section A.G.M. or any Section function where it may be required.

t. Assist Regions in meeting the goals for referees as outlines by Regional Commissioner to the Regional Referee Administrator.

u. Attend regional referee meetings within the Area once a year;

2. Qualifications and Desired Skills: To be considered for the position of Area Referee Administrator, the applicant should:

a. Hold a Section badge or higher;

b. Have experience as a Regional Referee Administrator;

c. Have administrative abilities;

d. Have experience in program planning and implementation, management skills, and knowledge of the needs of the Area; and

e. Have acknowledged, unswerving commitment to the AYSO philosophy.

3. Supervision Protocols: While performing as the Area Referee Administrator, the volunteer is:

a. Subject to the bylaws, rules, regulations, policies, procedures, and guidelines of AYSO;

b. Under the overall authority of and directly supervised by the Area Director, and supervised indirectly by the Section Referee Administrator; and

c. To maintain the recommended supervision ratio of 1:8 or less; that is one adult for every eight or fewer children and two adults (one of who may be the coach and one of whom should be of the same gender as the group) present at all times. For the protection of both the children and the volunteer, no volunteer should permit himself or herself to be alone with any child or group of children (except his or her own) during AYSO-sponsored activities.

4. Time Commitment: The anticipated time commitment for an Area Referee Administrator is a full year.

5. Orientation, Training, Certification, and Continued Education Provided: To prepare a volunteer for the position of Area Referee Administrator, AYSO will offer the following educational opportunities. It is the duty of the volunteer to attend these sessions.

a. Orientation by the Area Director;

b. Area staff training at the annual section meeting;

c. AYSO Safe Haven Program; and

e. Applied Regional Management (ARM1).

6. Activity Locations: While performing the duties of Area Referee Administrator, the volunteer is limited to the following locations, unless expressly authorized in writing by the Area Director to hold activities in another location.

a. Area meetings;

b. Section staff meetings;

c. Assigned field locations;

d. Assigned classroom locations;

e. The annual section meeting; and

f. Independent work at home alone, in committees of adults, or in a properly supervised situation with children.

G. Area Director of Referee Assessment – Appointed by the Area Referee Administrator with approval from the Area Director. AYSO volunteer position of Area Director of Referee Assessment is intended to develop, maintain, and administer the certification program components of the AYSO National Referee Program within the Area for Grade 2 assessor training and certification, program implementation and delivery, and the area and the section referee certifications.

1. Specific Duties and Responsibilities: The Area Director of Referee Assessment is expected to:

a. Administer the AYSO National Certification Program;

b. Develop a staff of certified assessors qualified to assess for promotion in grade;

c. Keep records and prepare statistics including an annual report to the Area Referee Administrator;

d. Disseminate information to the Regional Directors and Referee Assessment within the Area, the Area Referee Administrator, and the Section Director of Referee Assessment;

e. Monitor the appointments of staff made by Regional Directors of Assessment;

f. Monitor the geographic distribution of certified mentors and assessors within the Area;

g. Assign certified assessors within the Area to observe referees for promotion to the section referee grade; and

h. Have and process the applications and document for promotion to the Area and the section referee certifications and for the Grade 2 Referee Assessor certification.

2. Qualifications and Desired Skills: To be considered for the position of Area Director of Referee Assessment, the applicant should:

a. Have experience as a Regional Director of Referee Assessment in the AYSO National Referee Program;

b. Demonstrate administrative ability in program planning, implementation, and management;

c. Have certification as a Section badge or higher;

d. Have certification as an AYSO grate 4 (or higher) referee instructor;

e. Have competency in testing and evaluation;

f. Be proficient in communication and recognizing interpersonal skills; and

g. Demonstrate unswerving commitment to the AYSO philosophy.

3. Supervision Protocols: While performing as the Area Director of Referee Assessment, the volunteer is:

a. Subject to the bylaws, rules, regulations, policies, procedures, and guidelines of AYSO;

b. Under the overall authority of and directly supervised by the Area Referee Administrator, and supervised indirectly by the Section Director of Referee Assessment; and

c. To maintain the recommended supervision ratio of 1:8 or less; that is one adult for every eight or fewer children and two adults (one of who may be the coach and one of whom should be of the same gender as the group) present at all times. For the protection of both the children and the volunteer, no volunteer should permit himself or herself to be alone with any child or group of children (except his or her own) during AYSO-sponsored activities.

4. Time Commitment: The anticipated time commitment for an Area Director of Referee Assessment is a full year.

5. Orientation, Training, Certification, and Continued Education Provided: To prepare a volunteer for the position of Area Director of Referee Assessment, AYSO will offer the following educational opportunities. It is the duty of the volunteer to attend these sessions.

a. Orientation by the Area Referee Administrator;

b. Area staff training at the annual section meeting;

c. Various referee track workshops at the annual section meeting;

d. AYSO Safe Haven Program; and

e. Applied referee assessor training.

6. Activity Locations: While performing the duties of Area Director of Referee Assessment, the volunteer is limited to the following locations, unless expressly authorized in writing by the Area Referee Administrator or the Section Director of Referee Assessment to hold activities in another location.

a. The annual section meeting;

b. Assigned field locations;

c. Assigned classroom locations;

d. Independent work at home alone, in committees of adults, or in a properly supervised situation with children.

H. Area Director of Referee Instruction – Appointed by the Area Referee Administrator with approval from the Area Director. AYSO volunteer position of Area Director of Referee Instruction is intended to implement, monitor, and maintain the Referee Training Program component of the AYSO National Referee Program at the Area level.

1. Specific Duties and Responsibilities: The Area Director of Referee Instruction is expected to:

a. Train and develop Area and Section level referees, test and implement, and be responsible for program monitoring and feedback.

b. Train and test the Area (G4) and the Section (G3) referee certifications;

c. Assist in training Regional Teachers (G5);

d. Facilitate the activities of all grades of referee instructors within Area;

e. Provide guidelines that are consistent with the AYSO Referee Training Program, support and oversee Regional Directors of Referee Instruction;

f. Implement, test, and report on curriculum, course content, and materials for referee instruction;

g. Conduct the Area and the Section Referee Certification courses;

h. Serve as a liaison between the Section Director of Referee Instruction, the Area Referee Administrator and Regional Directors of Referee Instruction;

i. Provide the Section Director of Referee Instruction with confirmation of instructional activity within the Area, and keep a record of it;

j. Communicate to all referee instructors in the Area on matters pertaining to interpretation and changes in the FIFA Laws of the Game and the AYSO Rules and Regulations; and

k. Serve as an official interpreter of the Laws of the Game at all Area sponsored activities.

l. Register all Area and Regional referee classes with NT&SC.

m. Obtain referee rosters and course numbers from NT&SC and pass on to lead instructors.

n. Order training material for Area and Section Courses (Current Test and Upgrade Certification Forms) and distribute to lead instructor per course.

o. Insure all referee and safe haven test and rosters are sent to NT&SC with roosters 5 days after course is completed. (Send Fed Ex or UPS and obtain signature verification.)

p. Insure that Area web site is keep current with classes, dates and locations.

q. Work with new regions to schedule referee classes.

2. Qualifications and Desired Skills: To be considered for the position of Area Director of Referee Instruction, the applicant should:

a. Have experience as a Regional Director of Referee Instruction or as an G3 Instructor or higher;

b. Be skillful in the Regional and the Area Referee training-s;

c. Have a profound knowledge of FIFA Laws of the Game and the AYSO Rules and Regulations;

d. Demonstrate AYSO referee procedures and techniques; and

e. Have unswerving commitment to the AYSO philosophy.

3. Supervision Protocols: While performing as the Area Director of Referee Instruction, the volunteer is:

a. Subject to the bylaws, rules, regulations, policies, procedures, and guidelines of AYSO;

b. Under the overall authority of and directly supervised by the Area Referee Administrator, and supervised indirectly by the Section Director of Referee Instruction; and

c. To maintain the recommended supervision ratio of 1:8 or less; that is one adult for every eight or fewer children and two adults (one of who may be the coach and one of whom should be of the same gender as the group) present at all times. For the protection of both the children and the volunteer, no volunteer should permit himself or herself to be alone with any child or group of children (except his or her own) during AYSO-sponsored activities.

4. Time Commitment: The anticipated time commitment for an Area Director of Referee Instruction is a full year.

5. Orientation, Training, Certification, and Continued Education Provided: To prepare a volunteer for the position of Area Director of Referee Instruction, AYSO will offer the following educational opportunities. It is the duty of the volunteer to attend these sessions.

a. Orientation by the Area Referee Administrator;

b. AYSO Safe Haven Program;

c. Area staff training at the annual section meeting;

d. Unified Instructor Program referee-specific training; and Unified Instructor Program annual updates.

6. Activity Locations: While performing the duties of Area Director of Referee Instruction, the volunteer is limited to the following locations, unless expressly authorized in writing by the Area Referee Administrator or the Section Director of Referee Instruction to hold activities in another location.

a. Assigned classrooms, clinics, camps, and field training locations;

b. The annual section meeting;

c. Tournaments and special Area events; and

d. Independent work at home alone, in committees of adults, or in a properly supervised situation with children.

I. Area Treasurer – Appointed by the Area Director with approval from the Area Board. AYSO volunteer position of Area Treasurer is intended to have custody of all funds and securities, evidence of indebtedness and other valuable documents, and shall deposit funds and securities in the name and to the credit of the Area in a bank or depository.

1. Specific Duties and Responsibilities: The Area Treasurer is expected to:

a. Keep in appropriate books an accurate account of all money received in and paid out;

b. Comply with the National Accounting Program and all procedures specified in the AYSO Treasurer-s Manual;

c. Give a report of the funds, receipts, and disbursements of the region annually or at such other items as requested by the Area Board;

d. Deposit all the funds collected by the Area in the Area-s checking account;

e. Obtain Area Director-s signature as required and issue checks to pay for the Area-s expenditures. All checks should be substantiated by a receipt, invoice, or other documentation;

f. Verify that the Area has adopted written internal control procedures assuring adequate protection of Area-s assets;

g. Assist the person who has been assigned the task of reviewing the Area-s books and records;

h. Reconcile the checking and savings accounts each month and have a report for monthly Area Board meetings;

i. File all receipts, invoices, or other documentation in alphabetical order, by payee, and save them for at leave FIVE years. They are subject to audit by government regulatory agencies and the AYSO National Treasurer;

j. File the specified reports to the National Support and Training Center;

k. Give all t he AYSO documentations, receipts, invoices, etc. to the Area Director when the treasurer leaves;

l. Assist the Area Director in the preparation of the annual Area budget;

m. Attend Area Meetings (about 8 per year) to record minutes; and as required, at Section meetings.

2. Qualifications and Desired Skills: To be considered for the position of Area Treasurer, the applicant should:

a. Have skills in finance and accounting; and

b. Be detail oriented.

3. Supervision Protocols: While performing as the Area Treasurer, the volunteer is:

a. Subject to the bylaws, rules, regulations, policies, procedures, and guidelines of AYSO;

b. Under the overall authority of and directly supervised by the Area Director; and

c. To maintain the recommended supervision ratio of 1:8 or less; that is one adult for every eight or fewer children and two adults (one of who may be the coach and one of whom should be of the same gender as the group) present at all times. For the protection of both the children and the volunteer, no volunteer should permit himself or herself to be alone with any child or group of children (except his or her own) during AYSO-sponsored activities.

4. Time Commitment: The anticipated time commitment for an Area Treasurer is a full year.

5. Orientation, Training, Certification, and Continued Education Provided: To prepare a volunteer for the position of Area Treasurer, AYSO will offer the following educational opportunities. It is the duty of the volunteer to attend these sessions.

a. Orientation by the Area/Section Coordinator;

b. AYSO Area staff training;

c. AYSO Safe Haven Program; and

d. Treasurer workshop at the Annual Section Meeting.

6. Activity Locations: While performing the duties of Area Treasurer, the volunteer is limited to the following locations, unless expressly authorized in writing by the Area Director to hold activities in another location.

Area meetings;

a. The annual Section Meeting;

b. Assigned field locations;

c. Assigned classroom locations; and

d. Independent work at home alone, in committees of adults, or in a properly supervised situation with children.

J. Regional Commissioner – The AYSO volunteer position of Regional Commissioner is intended to have the responsibility and the authority to manage the day-to-day business of the region as described in Article 5 of the standard regional guidelines within the framework of the AYSO operating regulations.

1. Specific Duties and Responsibilities: The Regional Commissioner is expected to:

a. Comply in spirit and letter with the objectives of the organization;

b. Maintain good community relations with the primary objective being youth development;

c. Collect and disburse fees and other monies for the sound financial organization and operation of the region. It is incumbent upon the region to keep and file, as required, accurate financial records to ensure continuation of the tax exempt status of the organization;

d. Review, on an annual basis, the Regional Guidelines and other written regional operating regulations;

e. Supervise the regional treasurer by reviewing the region-s canceled checks and bank statements periodically, reviewing the National Accounting Program (NAP) financial report each month, and reviewing, periodically, internal financial control procedures. Also, take other reasonable measurers to assure that the region-s assets and expenses are being handled in a fiscally responsible manner;

f. Make timely submissions to the National Support and Training Center of membership fees, budgets, Regional Information Forms, and other paperwork as required with copies to the Area Director;

g. Be responsible for the performance and the growth of the regional programs for the benefit of the players, the volunteers, and their families;

h. Organize, maintain, supervise, and coach regional volunteer staff to assure adequate support and services to the region, including the development of new volunteers for regional position succession planning;

i. Appoint, at a minimum, a Treasurer, a Safety Director, a Regional Coach Administrator, and Regional Referee Administrator;

j. Publish for the region and the files of the National Support and Training Center, guidelines for the operation of AYSO within the region in accordance with the Standard Regional Guidelines, including the selection of a regional board and the election of the regional commissioner;

k. Act as the official spokesperson for the region in regard to publicity, internal development, cultural exchange, business systems, budgets, regional operating regulations, and other matters concerning AYSO programs within the region;

l. Assist the regional board in the planning and implementation of its policies and programs within the regions;

m. Register players, coaches, referees, and other regional officials;

n. Assign players and coaches to assure proper balance of teams within any one age group within a reasonable geographical area;

o. Locate and secure proper playing facilities;

p. Secure uniforms, balls, goals, and other necessary equipment;

q. Schedule games;

r. Comply with the Soccer Accident Insurance plan and submit insurance claims according to current procedures;

s. Release publicity concerning the region;

t. Budget for and encourage regional participation at annual section meetings (volunteer education conferences);

u. Budget for and participate at AYSO-s annual business meeting, the National Annual General Meeting (National Annual General Meeting);

v. Oversee dispute resolution within the region pursuant to article Nine of the guidelines and AYSO operating regulations;

w. Preside at all regional board meetings;

x. Keep the regional board informed of actions and decisions on matters of importance;

y. Attend area meetings, section meetings and caucuses, and the National Annual General Meeting;

z. Maintain close liaison with the Area Director and the Section Director, and coordinate all extra-regional activities through the Area Director;

aa. Submit a completed Regional Performance Program to the Area Director prior to December 1st of each calendar year;

ab. Make such other decisions and take actions as may be required to run the region within the limits of the regional budget and these guidelines; and

ac. Carry overall records and the regional commissioner manual to his/her successor, when he/she leaves.

2. Qualifications and Desired Skills: To be considered for the position of Regional Commissioner, the applicant should:

a. Have some management skills;

b. Know the AYSO-s structure;

c. Have acknowledged, unswerving commitment to the AYSO philosophy;

d. Have administrative abilities; and

e. Have good communication skills.

3. Supervision Protocols: While performing as the Regional Commissioner, the volunteer is:

a. Subject to the bylaws, rules, regulations, policies, procedures, and guidelines of AYSO;

b. Under the overall authority of and directly supervised by the Area Director; and

c. To maintain the recommended supervision ratio of 1:8 or less; that is one adult for every eight or fewer children and two adults (one of who may be the coach and one of whom should be of the same gender as the group) present at all times. For the protection of both the children and the volunteer, no volunteer should permit himself or herself to be alone with any child or group of children (except his or her own) during AYSO-sponsored activities.

4. Time Commitment: The anticipated time commitment for an Regional Commissioner is a full year.

5. Orientation, Training, Certification, and Continued Education Provided: To prepare a volunteer for the position of Regional Commissioner, AYSO will offer the following educational opportunities. It is the duty of the volunteer to attend these sessions.

a. Orientation by the Area Director;

b. Applied Regional Management (ARM1);

c. Advanced Regional Management (ARM2);

d. RC Caucus at the Annual Section Meeting; and

e. AYSO Safe Haven Program.

6. Activity Locations: While performing the duties of Regional Commissioner, the volunteer is limited to the following locations, unless expressly authorized in writing by the Area Director to hold activities in another location.

a. Regional board meetings;

b. The Annual Section Meeting;

c. Assigned field locations;

d. Assigned classroom locations;

f. Regional sponsored activities;

g. National Annual General Meeting; and

h. Independent work at home alone, in committees of adults, or in a properly supervised situation with children.



A. Goal Safety:

1. Delivery and initial set up of the movable goals:

a. Volunteers must be a minimum of age 16 Volunteers from 16 to 18 may help set up goals if there is supervision available and they have a signed release from their parents.

b. Adult volunteers must not allow children to come within twenty (20) feet of a movable soccer goal during set up and take down.

c. The number of volunteers required depends on the weight of the goals.

d. Volunteers should use correct handling and lifting techniques and only carry weights they feel comfortable moving.

e. If weights are greater than 50 pounds, get help!

f. Volunteers should inspect the goals for damage or defects, i.e., sharp edges, broken or cracked welds, missing parts.

2. On-site storage, movement, and use of goals:

a. The above guidelines apply.

b. Plan to have appropriate numbers of volunteers

c. Avoid feeling rushed.

d. Do not allow children to be near these activities.

e. Communicate clearly your expectations prior to moving a goal. Make sure everyone understands your request.

f. Do not twist or drop goals when laying down or standing back up.

g. When goals are in place for practice or game situations, install the appropriate weight (sandbag) on side and back rails.

h. Goals and associated safety items should be stored in a secured (locked) location to discourage use and mishandling by other organizations or vandals.

3. Installation and removal of nets:

a. Nets should be installed by adults only. Adult volunteers should not allow children to participate in the net installation or removal effort.

b. If goals are the permanent type, volunteers should use an approved ladder.

4. Consequences of deviating from safe goal and net procedures:

a. Children will be cautioned for the first infraction.

b. Children will be ejected for the second infraction.

c. Coaches will be cautioned for the first infraction.

d. The Regional Board will determine logical consequences for coaches who choose to disregard these guidelines.

5. Monitoring and enforcement of procedure and consequences:

a. Each Region will identify a responsible person to make routine checks of goals.

b. All adults associated with AYSO are responsible for the monitoring and enforcement of these safety processes.

c. Infractions will be reported to the Area Safety Director.

B. Uniforms – Only regulation uniforms provided by the Region may be worn during games. The following rules shall be followed:

1. Head gear:

a. No items that are felt to be dangerous such as barrettes, hard hair fasteners, hard pony tail fasteners, bandannas, or hats (except soft by goalkeeper).

b. Plain elastic fasteners, rubber bands, scrunchies (cloth covered elastic) are OK as long as they do not contain hard objects.

c. It is strongly encouraged that long hair be tied up or back so as not to impair vision.

2. Glasses: No sunglasses may be worn, however prescription glasses may be worn but retaining straps are strongly encouraged, but not mandatory. Safety or sport glasses are strongly encouraged and metal rimmed glasses are discouraged.

3. Jewelry: No earrings (studs must be removed), necklaces, hard bracelets (metal plastic, beads, leather) watches may be worn. Cloth or string (friendship) bracelets are OK if not loose enough to be caught or snagged (referee judgment; can be taped).

4. Extra clothing:

a. Sweat pants may not be worn by any player other than the goalkeeper. This rule is for the players safety and will be enforced.

b. Sweatshirts may be worn under the shirt as long as it is of a matching color.

c. Bike pants may be worn only if they are the same color as the shorts and do not go below the knee.

5. Pads and braces:

a. No elbow pads, casts, splints, including plastic and Velcro strap-on casts, or gloves (except by goalkeeper).

b. Braces are allowed to be worn in accordance with National policy.

6. Shinguards: Shinguards must be worn at all times (practice included). Any player who does not have shinguards will not be allowed to play.

C. Equipment – The ball sizes are as follows:

1. Size 3 for U6 and U8 divisions;

2. Size 4 for U10 and U12 divisions;

3. Size 5 for U14, U16 and U19 divisions.

D. Game Times:

1. U8 Division games shall be two (2) halves, not to exceed twenty (20) minutes each.

2. U10 Division games shall be two (2) halves, not to exceed twenty-five (25) minutes each.

3. U12 Division games shall be two (2) halves, not to exceed thirty (30) minutes each.

4. U14 Division games shall be two (2) halves, not to exceed thirty-five (35) minutes each.

5. U16 Division games shall be two (2) halves, not to exceed forty (40) minutes each.

6. U19 Division games shall be two (2) halves, not to exceed forty-five (45) minutes each.

  1. Half-time periods shall be a minimum of five (5) and a maximum of ten (10) minutes as designated by the referee.

8. When U16 and U19 Divisions are merged, games shall be two (2) halves, not to exceed forty (40) minutes each.

E. Conduct During Games:

1. The use of alcohol or tobacco products in the vicinity of the playing field during practices or games is strictly forbidden.

2. Coaches – Positive coaching only will be allowed 10 yards to each side of mid field, and only from one side of the field (their team’s side) Coaches are to stay behind the touch line at all times, unless called onto the field by the referee. Opposing teams will stay on opposite sides of the field where practical. Home team will have their choice of sides of the field. Player registration forms must be in the coaches possession at all games. These shall be subject to inspection by the referee. Failure to show these forms upon request may result in a yellow card being issued. The Area Coach Administrator and Area Referee Administrator must be notified when a coach is asked for and cannot produce these forms. Remember, these forms are a consent to treat in the event a player is injured and the parent is not present. In the event that a coach does not have these forms, no player on the team without a form will be allowed to play.

3. Spectators – Parents are to stay back a reasonable distance from the touchline at the discretion of the referee. Standard FIFA rules shall apply except as designated by AYSO. There shall be no coaching from spectators on the sideline, and positive comments only will be allowed. Spectators must not come onto the field without referee permission, cannot be behind the goal line or nearer to the goal than the penalty line area. It is the coach’s responsibility to control spectators and may be asked to do so by the referee. A coach may be carded for not complying with such a request. The referee can terminate the game if in the referee’s judgment the game cannot continue or be played fairly due to spectator or coach behavior. In such a case the Regional or Area guidelines will determine the outcome or disposition of the game.

4. Players – At the end of the game, the players on each team shall line up and shake hands with the players of the opposing team and thank the referee and linesmen. Discipline shall be up to the referee at each game, and the referee shall have the power and authority to discipline and eject players and coaches (including spectators, in the case of outside interference) from the playing area if their conduct violates the rules of the game or these Guidelines or otherwise interferes with the course of play.

F. Results of Misconduct – Misconduct during a game may result in the issuance of a Red Card (ejection) or Yellow Card (caution) by the referee.

1. The issuance of a Red Card during a game will result in a minimum one game suspension to the receiving player or coach. In serious situations, the Disciplinary Board may issue a multiple game suspension at their discretion.

2. Any player receiving 2 yellow cards is subject to a one game suspension.

3. Under extreme circumstances, the game suspension may be appealed to a committee consisting of the Area Director, Area Coach Administrator, and the Area Referee Administrator. The decision to review the game suspension or to decline to do so will be made by the Area Referee Administrator or Area Director. He/she has the knowledge of red card offenses and proper referee conduct to make fair decision.

4. The only person who may bring this appeal to the committee is the Regional Commissioner. This must be done in writing to the Area Referee Administrator explaining why the appeal should be heard. If the committee agrees to hear the appeal, the game suspension will be put off until the committee reaches a decision. The referee will be contacted, along with the coaches if the committee feels the need to do so. A decision will be reached by the committee and the involved RC will be notified. It must be noted that the committee will only hear appeals which involve extremely odd circumstances. The committee’s decision is binding and final to all concerned parties.

5. All red and yellow cards must be reported the Area Referee Administrator within 24 hours of the offense.

G. Eligibility Inquiry – In the event of an unofficial inquiry as the eligibility of a player at the time of a game, the coach may request a meeting with the other coach and the referee. If, after examination of the registration forms, the matter cannot be resolved, it may be declared an official inquiry. The Regional Commissioner shall contact the Area Director who will convene a hearing board. The board shall consist of the Area Director, the Area Coach Administrator, the Area Referee Administrator. If one of these people is not available, the Area Secretary shall sit in. Minutes of this meeting will be kept. Three people are required to vote. After a decision has been reached, all regions shall be notified.

H. Dispute Resolution – In the event that a dispute arises that cannot be resolved by the Regional Board or the Area Director, a committee of three uninvolved Area Board members may be called upon to hear all sides of the dispute and make a decision. These disputes may involve coaches, referees, or other volunteers. The Area Board may suspend a person involved in the Area from further involvement in the program if there appears to be an imminent danger to the program by his/her continuing involvement or if a crime has been alleged to be committed by such participant. The Area Board may remove a person (whether suspended or not) from further involvement in the program on notice and after a determination is made that removal is appropriate, as the result of a disciplinary hearing, if there is found to be (a) a violation of the National Regulations, principles or philosophy of AYSO or (b) conduct which disrupts the Area’s or AYSO’s activities or programs. The decision of the committee is binding and final, with notice of decision being sent in writing to all involved parties, the Area Director and the Section Director.

I. Fields – Field conditions are subject to the home region’s approval up to 5 minutes before game time. After that time, it falls under the control of the referee in charge of the games. Where inter-regional play is involved, as much notice as possible should be given in advance of a cancellation so that teams do not travel unnecessarily.

J. Forfeits – A team shall forfeit if they fail to field a teams of 7 players 15 minutes after the scheduled start time. If 7 players are present at the Scheduled start time, the game will begin with the late arriving players being inserted into the game at the designated time.

K. Inter-Regional Play:

1. Where there is a difference between Regions on 3/4 vs. 2 quarter playing time, each Region will follow their own guidelines as long as National Rules are followed and all players play at least 2 quarters.

2. Referees:

a. During all inter-regional games played in the regular season, the Home Region will supply the referees. If there is a shortage of referees in any Region, or if there is a problem with a Region supplying a referee for a certain game, the Area Referee Administrator may be contacted for help.

b. All U19 Division referees are subject to approval by the Regional Referee Administrator or Area Referee Administrator.

c. If a referee fails to show for a game, a referee may be pulled from the spectators from either team. The referee does not have to be from the Home Region if a qualified referee is available from the Visiting Region. If the referee is pulled from the crowd and is not in uniform, he/she is subject to approval by both coaches and will have authority as “club linesman” per USSF Advice To Referees On The Laws Of The Game.

d. A three person diagonal system of control will be used in U16 & U19 Division games if at all possible. A Section or National referee should be used in the center if available.

3. The entire Select Season and any games played in divisions with inter-regional play during the regular season will be governed by these guidelines.

4. In U16 & U19 Division games:

a. After any cautions (yellow cards) we strongly recommend the coach substitute the player for a cooling off period. The player may reenter the field of play with the referee-s permission during the next permissible substitution.

b. Players may be substituted before all kick offs, on anyone’s goalkick, or on their own throw in. Substitutions are subject to approval of the referee.

L. Post Season Tournaments and Play

1. End of the Year Tournament of Champions:

a. The weekend following the last regularly scheduled games a tournament will be held in which all Regions will compete.

b. Team Selection:

i. Teams from both boys and girls in U10, U12 & U14 divisions will be represented.

ii. Regions shall determine which teams will represent them.

iii. The Area will invite teams to participate in the Tournament based on the number of teams in the division within the Region, historically this was 1 team per 5 teams in the house divisions.

iv. The rosters for participating teams must be the same as the roster for the Fall Season.

v. The Regional Commissioners are obliged to notify the Area Scheduler at least 2 weeks prior to the Tournament if a scheduled team will not participate. Failure to do so will result in assessment of the fees for that team.

c. Tournament Location – The location of the tournament will be changed from year to year at the discretion of the Area Board so as not to burden any one Region. The location may be split between more than one Region.

2. Select Season:

a. Those Regions wanting to participate in Select Season may do so.

b. Select Season teams will be formed from players who are registered before October 1st for a Fall Season team.

c. Selection of players will be made by Select Season coaches and should consist of players who are interested and are above average in skills.

d. Select Season will begin the first Saturday after New Year’s.

e. Games will be between teams of all interested Regions.

f. All guidelines for regular season will be enforced during Select Season.

g. The Select Season will end with a Tournament for all participating teams.

h. The two-quarter rule will be played for all inter-region games.

M. Tournament Rules and Regulations:

1. The game will be played according to FIFA Laws of the Game rules, AYSO National Rules and Area 2C Guidelines unless modified by these regulations.

2. Each team must check-in with the on-site tournament official one-half (1/2) hour prior to its first game.

3. Completed player registration and medical forms must be in the coach-s possession at all games. These forms shall be subject to inspection by the referee or any tournament officials at check-in. In the event that a coach does not have a player-s registration and medical form, the player may not participate in the games. In the event the coach does not have any player-s registration and medical forms, the team shall forfeit the game 1-0.

4. Line-up cards shall be properly completed, listing the players in numerical order and presented to the referees prior to the start of each game. At the end of the game, the cards shall be signed by the coaches and the referee. The referee will return the card to the on-site field marshall immediately following the game.

5. AYSO National substitution rules will prevail during regulation time for U10 through U14. Area 2C substitution rules will apply for U16 and U19 (i.e., Players may be substituted before all kick offs, on anyone’s goalkick, or on their own throw in. Substitutions are subject to approval of the referee). Each team member must play a minimum of half of each game (during regulation time). Failure to abide by this rule will result in a 1-0 forfeit.

6. There will be no overtime periods during the first round (pool play) games.

7. Championship and semi-final games will be full length games under regular AYSO rules. Quarterfinal games, if necessary, will not be full length.

8. If the championship, semi-final game or quarter-final game is tied after regulation time:

a. Two 5 minute overtime periods will be played.

b. Teams will change halves prior to each overtime period.

c. “Golden Goal” – During the period of extra time played at the end of normal playing time, the team which scores the first goal is declared the winner.

d. If no goals are scored during the overtime periods, the match is decided by kicks from the penalty mark. FIFA instructions (Procedures To Determine The Winner Of A Match) for the taking of kicks from the penalty mark will be followed. Only the players on the field during the 2nd overtime period will be allowed to participate in the penalty kick shoot-out.

9. Any team that walks off the field of play or does not show up for any reason will forfeit the game.

10. No U10, U12, U14, U16 or U19 game shall start or continue if either team has less than seven (7) players. This will result in a 1-0 forfeit or the score at the time of the forfeit, whichever is higher.

11. A forfeit will result if a team is not at the field at the start of the posted game starting time. A 5 minute grace period in starting time may be allowed. Poor weather conditions or unusual circumstances may be a consideration for game delay or for a particular team being late for its game. Only Tournament Directors may decide on these matters.

12. Coaches, spectators and players are expected to display good sportsmanship throughout the tournament. Coaches will be held responsible for any action by the spectators or supporters. If for any reason the referee calls the game because of actions by spectators or supporters, the game will be forfeited to the opposing team with the existing score if the non-offending team is ahead. If the non-offending team is not ahead, the forfeit score shall be 1-0. In such an event, the game referee or Tournament Director may assign red card(s) to the spectator(s) for the purposes of the tie-breaker provisions for the tournament.

13. The team listed first on the schedule is the home team and may provide the game ball.

14. In all games, the contending teams and their coaches and spectators shall remain on opposite sides of the field of play where possible. The home team will have its choice of the side of the field. Spectators shall remain behind spectator lines and coaches shall remain within the boundaries of the coaching boxes during all games.

15. The host region will determine if the fields are playable.

16. No alcoholic beverages or smoking are allowed on the playing grounds. Spectators or coaches suspected of intoxication will not be allowed to participate in their scheduled games.

17. No protests will be allowed.

18. Red and yellow cards must be reported immediately by the referee to the Tournament Director. A red card or an accumulation of 3 yellow cards during the tournament will result in a minimum one game suspension. For serious misconduct, a player, coach or team may be suspended for multiple games or the balance of the tournament. The Area Director, or their designate, will rule on the suspension. A coach may appeal any game suspension on behalf of themselves or a player. The Area Director must be notified of the appeal 1 hour before the player-s or coach-s next game. The appeal will be heard by a committee, designated by the Area Director, and its decision will be final.

19. Team numbers and Tournament Structure

a. The number of teams invited to play and the structure of the tournament will be determined separately for each tournament.

b. If teams are divided into pools, the following points will be awarded to determine the winner of the pool:

i. 6 points for a win

ii. 3 points for a tie

iii. 1 point for each goal (up to a maximum of 3 per game)

iv. 1 point for a shutout

v. 1 point will be subtracted for every goal over a spread of 6 goals

vi. A forfeit will be recorded as a 1 – 0 win for the non-forfeiting team. Thus receiving 8 points (6 points for the win, 1 point for the recorded goal, and 1 point for the shutout).

c. If there is a tie in total points at the end of pool play, the following tie breakers will be used in the following order to determine the winner:

i. Head to head competition

ii. Fewest goals scored against

iii. Subtracting goals against from goals scored (to a maximum of 3 points per game)

iv. Fewest red and/or yellow cards received (red cards will count as the equivalent of 2 yellow cards)

v. Coin toss

d. The top seeds will be the bracket winners. The wild card team(s) will be the best overall second place team(s). No wild card team will play a team from their own pool during the first round of single elimination.



A. Account Signatories: All checks drawn on the Area’s bank account shall bear two signatures, one of which must either be the treasurer’s or the Area Directors. Additional signatories must be authorized by Area Board action. Two signatories from the same household shall not be allowed.

B. Transfer of Funds: All funds received by the Area, whether from fees, gifts, or otherwise, must be deposited into the Area’s checking account, from which all expenses and disbursements must be paid.



A. Approval of Guidelines: These Guidelines shall become effective after being approved by the Area Director and the existing Area Board, The Section Director and then submitted to the National Office.

B. Change in Guidelines: Once adopted, these Guidelines may only be amended by the Area Board by a two-thirds vote of the Area Board, with approval of the Area Director and the Section Director.



A. FIFA Laws, AYSO National Rules and Area 2C Rules all apply fully. In addition:

B. The object of this season is to have a fun, low key and positive experience with participation by all in accordance with AYSO guidelines and philosophy.

C. All teams must have at least 5 (five) female players on the field at all times in order to balance the teams. If there is an imbalance, then the coaches should work it out by mutual consent with the Referee participating. Possible choices include loaning players to create the necessary balance or both teams playing short. Whichever is chosen, before the game begins both teams must furnish fully completed Lineup cards to the Referee. Free substitution may occur at any normal game stoppage except on corner kicks and throw-ins when only the team in possession of the ball may substitute. As in all AYSO games, each player is entitled to a minimum of one-half game of playing time.

D. Duration of U19 Division games will be two 45 minute halves. U16 Division games will consist of two 40 minute halves. When U16 and U19 Divisions are merged, games shall be two (2) halves, not to exceed forty (40) minutes each.

E. If a player or a coach receives a yellow card, a short “cooling off” period away from the field of play is mandatory. This cooling off period should not normally exceed 5 minutes, but may be shortened or lengthened at the referee-s discretion. The yellow-carded player may be substituted for during his/her cooling off period. If a player or a coach receives a red card, they must immediately leave the game and the field area completely. Any person receiving a red card may not attend or participate in their team-s next game.

F. All penalty kicks and drop balls will be taken by female players only. All other free kicks may be taken by players of either sex.

G. Male/female or female/male charging is considered dangerous play and will not be allowed. As a consequence, an indirect free kick will be awarded against the offending team. Referees will be unusually alert for ungentlemanly use of weight or strength advantages when playing the ball.

H. Slide tackling is considered dangerous play in this program, and will not be allowed by any player. As a consequence, an indirect free kick will be awarded to the team in control of the ball at the time of the slide tackle.

I. The ball must be LIVE before a goal can be scored. The Referee will call OVER as the ball crosses the half line and will call LIVE when a female attacker touches the ball in the defender’s half of the field. If the ball enters the goal without being LIVE, a goal kick restarts the play. The players are expected to keep track themselves, but the Referee may be asked whether or not the ball is LIVE. The final determination is up to the Referee at all times. (Failure of the Referee to call LIVE is not reason to disallow a valid goal.)

J. No protests will be allowed. Rule interpretations only will be heard by the area staff upon receipt of a written request.

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American Youth Soccer Organization - Area 2C

1361 La Vista Avenue 
Concord, California 94521

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