Each Region responsible for providing to their fields:
- Easy Up – centrally located so you can be easily located. Cooler and Ice for Referee’s
- Table and Chair – needed to hold Field Marshal and Referee snacks and to check-in teams
- Garbage bags – In case garbage cans at fields are not emptied during the weekend
- Field Marshal binder – Is to be picked up at Area Directors House Friday November 8, 2024 between 4 and 7 pm. Lin Buhlman, 1361 La Vista Ave Concord CA 94521, 925-381-8488
- Snacks to be picked up with binder at Area Directors house on Friday night.
Last minute meeting if needed Thursday, November 7, 2024, 7 pm – TBD
- Area Director will deliver lunch to the Field Marshal and Referees on fields between 11 am and 1 pm on Saturday and Sunday.
- For reimbursement, all receipts must be turned in, using the Area Reimbursement form, to Cathy Corum, Area Treasurer at wisdom@concordayso.org